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Paranormal and Contemporary Romances


My name is Dee, I am a mother of 5 amazing children and grandmother of 4 beautiful babies. I began my writing career in 2004 because of a dream about a dress.

My first novel, La Roe’s Curse was published in 2005 and my second novel, Fay’s Wish was published in 2006. Both La Roe’s Curse and Fay’s Wish would not have been re-released except for the amazing editing help from Cindy, Personalized Marketing Inc manager. My 3rd novel Chocolate Seduction (pending Title change) of the Cursed Seduction Series is currently being revised for future publication and I am working on a contemporary romance.

I have ghost written 2 additional books, and written hundreds of articles.

I enjoy spending time with my children, being a grandmother, sitting down to a good book, and learning more about the career that has changed my life. I have been working online since 2005, beginning my journey as an Author, then a Reviewer, Freelance Publicist, and then found a love for websites, coding, most recently WordPress. While here be sure to check out some of the Videos made by me. Take a look at some the links I have collected.

I hope that you have a great time while visiting and feel free to drop me a line on the Contact Page. I love hearing from Readers, Authors, Publishers, Reviewers and Everyone Else.


I am also the Owner and CEO of Personalized Marketing Inc.
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