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Like most people there are several things in life that I do not want to do again, some were excruciatingly painful, while others heart wrenching. One of the things that I never want to do again is be asked who would raise my children if I didn’t make it. Followed by a breast biopsy while being told for 3 weeks ‘at this stage life expectancy is approximately one year’.
When Emerald La Roe ran away 300 years ago, she had not planned to return. However, after repeated dreams from Goddess Morrigan, Emerald finally realizes she has no choice. Emerald not only finds a magical sword waiting for her, but her dead husband also.
It seems Stefan O’ Duff wants’ reconciliation and help to cure the curse they share. Emerald would rather see him dead than be with him again, she has someone else to consider though. Her new love, Maxwell Howard a werewolf, who through sharing blood with Emerald, now faces the same fate as Emerald and Stefan. For the cure to work, Emerald has to put her hatred of Stefan aside and consent to share his bed again.
Can Emerald put 300 years of anger aside to save them or will she sacrifice all their futures and kill him as she swore to do?
“Good, now on to more unpleasant things, and this time young man, do not interrupt. May I please know the reason you didn’t return home before now?”
I sat there and thought for a moment on how to explain my life and the reason I made the choices I made without having to go into detail about it all over again. I decided to answer her questions as she asked them, as simple as possible.
“The reason …
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All blogs from today’s hop have been shared on Excerpts & Promotions. Those authors we could tag have been added.