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Paranormal and Contemporary Romances

Shayla, Princess of the Fay, must begin the journey to discover her true power by leaving the island. If she’s successful, she will become queen. Her plight won’t be an easy one, for there are those who would use Shayla as a means to solidify their own position of power. 
Kyle, Shayla’s guide in the human world, is destined to bring hope to the Fay even though his own future seems bleak. With Kyle by her side, miracles can happen, offering the promise of the return of the magic. 
Once that happens, nothing is impossible. 

Dee Carver (Author), Cindy Wieczorek (Editor) 

Available from these ebook stores:

Apple Barnes & Noble Kobo Scribd 24 Symbols !ndigo Angus & Robertson Mondadori Store   

New Video For Fay’s Wish 

“I am fine. Just very tired is all.”
She frowned, not believing a word I had said. “Perhaps you should see your reflection, before making such statements.”
She took a mirror from her purse and handed it to me. I had not realized, until then, how diligently I avoided my own reflection. Inside, I saw a desperate and dying woman looking at me. My eyes were puffy, and my nose red from crying. There were dark circles under my eyes, and their color duller than stone. My face no longer held a soft, happy look.
But the thing that frightened me the most was the translucent pitch of my skin. As I stared, I realized I looked as though I was already fading into nothingness.
I have to …

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#CyberMonday Savings

Starting on #CyberMonday Nov 30th until #SmallBusinessSaturday Dec 5th

#CoffeeTimeRomance Special: 50% off Services/Advertising (Minus hosting) 

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Subject Line / Coupon Code: CTR-PMInc 

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Like most people there are several things in life that I do not want to do again, some were excruciatingly painful, while others heart wrenching.  One of the things that I never want to do again is be asked who would raise my children if I didn’t make it. Followed by a breast biopsy while being told for 3 weeks ‘at this stage life expectancy is approximately one year’. 

Granted it was one of the tougher trials in my life and the initial shock was a sucker punch. Walking down the hallway of the hospital had never felt so long before, which probably only took me a few minutes at most. The urgency of the doctor’s tone, the packets of information I carried burning away at me, the overwhelming need to escape what I had just been told frightened me. 
We all have the fight or flight instinct in us and in that moment, flight was my initial reaction. It was as though I could outrun the doctor, the hospital, my own body. Then when I did make it outside, I had to make phone calls I didn’t want to make, tell people I didn’t want too, in that split second, I decided only a few would know. Of those that I told, some reacted as expected, they panicked at first but then asked me who would raise my kids, then offered to help raise my kids. It’s funny how the mind works. Being a single mom, I had already …

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La Roe’s (Re-Released) 

Dee Carver (Author), Cindy Wieczorek (Editor)  


When Emerald La Roe ran away 300 years ago, she had not planned to return. However, after repeated dreams from Goddess Morrigan, Emerald finally realizes she has no choice. Emerald not only finds a magical sword waiting for her, but her dead husband also.

It seems Stefan O’ Duff wants’ reconciliation and help to cure the curse they share. Emerald would rather see him dead than be with him again, she has someone else to consider though. Her new love, Maxwell Howard a werewolf, who through sharing blood with Emerald, now faces the same fate as Emerald and Stefan. For the cure to work, Emerald has to put her hatred of Stefan aside and consent to share his bed again.

Can Emerald put 300 years of anger aside to save them or will she sacrifice all their futures and kill him as she swore to do?

Available from these stores:  Apple Barnes & Noble Kobo Scribd 24 Symbols Playster Angus & Robertson


“Good, now on to more unpleasant things, and this time young man, do not interrupt. May I please know the reason you didn’t return home before now?”

I sat there and thought for a moment on how to explain my life and the reason I made the choices I made without having to go into detail about it all over again. I decided to answer her questions as she asked them, as simple as possible.

“The reason …

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