Author’s Note
In last week’s comments, I mentioned giving Stefan a chance to come forward. Since the book is written in 1st POV we have to rely on Emerald reading from Stefan’s journal to get a look inside what he is thinking.
Stefan was initially the main male of the story but Emerald really does not like him for a large portion of the book. When writing the story I realized that unless something changed Stefan and Emerald were never going to reconcile.
Little did I know that Stefan’s journal would sway one heart, Max, which as we know has caused several changes to occur that shouldn’t have (or so I thought).
Since I hate getting lost while reading a book and this excerpt is combining different portions from several pages, I have decided to add a little bit of author guidance.
In the excerpt below, we start with Stefan’s journal, Morrigan mixing in again and end with Emerald’s acceptance, well to the potential cure anyway.
La Roe’s Curse
Dee Carver (Author)
Cindy Wieczorek (Cover Artist and Editor)
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When Emerald La Roe ran away 300 years ago, she had not planned to return. However, after repeated dreams from Goddess Morrigan, Emerald finally realizes she has no choice. Emerald not only finds a magical sword waiting for her, but her dead husband also. It seems Stefan O’ Duff wants’ reconciliation and help to cure the …
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