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Paranormal and Contemporary Romances

Category: Novels

First Kiss with a Bang! Blog HopI get the distinct pleasure of not only being the Host of First Kiss with a Bang! Blog Hop as the Owner/CEO of Personalized Marketing… but I also get to join in the fun and participate as an Author for the Event!

To ensure that my two persona’s are distinctively separated… I will keep my post today in the fashion of Author Dee Owens. I will also be doing a give-away for the event, an ebook copy of La Roe’s and Fay’s Wish… from which my First Kiss Post will be about… :)

In Fay’s Wish Shayla Princess of the Fay has a daunting task in before her, to bring back Magic to Fae. If she fails, not only could she lose her life, but also be forced into a marriage against her will. Her once thought enemy is now her strongest ally, and her heart, mind, body and soul are up for grabs…

Fay’s Wish

Fay's Wish by Dee OwensMy heart faltered. He was human. Nothing was to come from these feelings building deep inside of me.

Fay have been forbidden to mate with humans, and the few half bloods left were either from before my Grandfather’s rule, or descendants of those who had ventured into the mortal’s world.

The water grew intense. Had I said or done something to upset the magic? The image of the man clarified again. He was in the very water with me. From within, I could not stop the heat from rising, as I watched our bodies begin …

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Jen: This weekend we welcome Dee Owens to Book Talk. Dee, will you please share a short bio with us?
Dee: Sure, first let me say thank you for having me here. I am a mother, wife, paranormal romance author, editor, and freelance publicist. I started writing in 2004 since then I have published several articles, a second novel, and started my own publicist company. I have had many roles in the writing world, but have found that my heart will always belong to telling the life of my characters.
Jen: Tell us about Fay’s Wish and where it’s available.

Dee: Fay’s Wish is a story that was released in 2006 however the publishing company had some cut backs, and I am now self-publishing the eBook and print version in 2009. The story is getting a fresh look and with self-publishing it I can offer Shayla (the heroine) a chance at getting her tale out there.

Fay’s Wish is a Paranormal Romance set in Scotland. Shayla is a Princess of the Fae and her time has come to find a husband and take her father’s place on the throne. However Shayla does not love or want any of the Fae Males offered to her, so fulfilling her mother’s wish she heads out into the mortal realm. Shayla faces, gods, goddesses, and the worst fate of all, the love of a human. You can read an excerpt of Fay’s Wish at and purchase the eBook version at my online …

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Fay's Wish by Dee Owens4.0 out of 5 stars Boo-yah!, February 24, 2007
By Cimorene “AK Siren” (Alaska USA)
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Fay’s Wish (Paperback)

Miss Owens wrote an excellent book, full of imagery, hope and wishes. My favorite part, when Shayla gets a warning and has to go back and fix some things, near the end of the book, fills me with happiness. Shayla’s Can-do kick-[…] attitude in her situation is something I think most women can identify with.

Definitely worth the read!!!

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Price: $5.00

Fay's Wish by Dee OwensFAY’S WISH
December 2006
121 Pages
Rating: 5 Cups

Princess Shayla grieves the loss of her mother. She is not happy that her father prepares to choose another Queen.

Queen Brigit, the next one in line to marry the King.

Jacques, or Jack of the Guard, escorts Shayla to the human world.

Aine accompanies Shayla as a female companion on the trip.

Aiden, the man she must marry if her mission fails.

Fearghus, her closest ally, agrees she must enter the human world to retain her crown.
Kyle reaches out and touches her soul.

Shayla prepares to leave Fay for the human world to find her true power. She insists her friends only call her by her name and not her title, Princess. It is a trip with setbacks before it even begins. Queen Brigit insists Shayla also be joined by Aine, so nothing transpires between her and Jack. She expresses if Shayla’s mission fails, she should marry Aiden on her return, a suitor that Shayla does not love. On her journey, Fearghus appears in her dreams to proffer help. Shayla knows that she must find her power and her true King. With many foes, along the way, determined to stop her quest from being a success, Shayla is resolved to stay the course.

Fay’s Wish is a gripping, engaging tale that this reader enjoyed immensely. Once I started reading, it was hard to stop. Princess Shayla’s strength will not allow anyone to stand in her way …

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