I get the distinct pleasure of not only being the Host of First Kiss with a Bang! Blog Hop as the Owner/CEO of Personalized Marketing… but I also get to join in the fun and participate as an Author for the Event!
To ensure that my two persona’s are distinctively separated… I will keep my post today in the fashion of Author Dee Owens. I will also be doing a give-away for the event, an ebook copy of La Roe’s and Fay’s Wish… from which my First Kiss Post will be about…
In Fay’s Wish Shayla Princess of the Fay has a daunting task in before her, to bring back Magic to Fae. If she fails, not only could she lose her life, but also be forced into a marriage against her will. Her once thought enemy is now her strongest ally, and her heart, mind, body and soul are up for grabs…
Fay’s Wish
My heart faltered. He was human. Nothing was to come from these feelings building deep inside of me.
Fay have been forbidden to mate with humans, and the few half bloods left were either from before my Grandfather’s rule, or descendants of those who had ventured into the mortal’s world.
The water grew intense. Had I said or done something to upset the magic? The image of the man clarified again. He was in the very water with me. From within, I could not stop the heat from rising, as I watched our bodies begin …
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